1. Warm Up
2. Strenth Training: Push Press 3-3-3-3-3-3
3. Conditioning:
3 Rounds for Time:
Run 400m
21 KB Swings 24/16
12 Pull Ups
4. Recovery
Compare scores from 07/09/11 or 17/06/11 here.
1. Warm Up
2. Strenth Training: Push Press 3-3-3-3-3-3
3. Conditioning:
3 Rounds for Time:
Run 400m
21 KB Swings 24/16
12 Pull Ups
4. Recovery
Compare scores from 07/09/11 or 17/06/11 here.
1. Warm up
2. Conditioning: with a partner, five rounds for time of:
150/100 kg partner deadlift, 15 reps
25/21" box jump, 30 reps
Hand release push up, 30 reps
Run 200m together each carrying a 20/10 kg bumper plate
3. Recovery
1. Warm up
2. Strength training:
Press, 5-5-5-5-5
3. Conditioning: five rounds for time of:
Run, 200 m
60/40 kg back squat, 9 reps
4. Recovery
1. Warm up
2. Conditioning: for time:
Run, 400 m
42.5/30 kg thruster, 21 reps
Pull up, 21 reps
Run, 300 m
42.5/30 kg thruster, 15 reps
Pull up, 15 reps
Run, 200 m
42.5/30 kg thruster, 9 reps
Pull up, 9 reps
3. Supplementary: three rounds of:
Janda sit up, 5 reps
Rest, 60 s
4. Recovery
Please have a look here and here for details times, scores, comments and videos for part 2 of this workout.
Well done everyone. A special mention goes out to: Graham, Steve and David for doing all the pull ups without a band for the first time, a massive well done - no more bands allowed now!
1. Warm up
2. Conditioning; for time:
(a) Run, 800 m
(b) 10 rounds of:
Handstand push up, 10 reps
Single leg squat, 10 reps (alt legs)
(c) Run, 800 m
3. Recovery
Please have a look here and here for details times, scores, comments and videos for part 3 of this workout.