Please have a look at this link for details of our family fun day and marathon row!
1. Warm up
2. Strength training;
Back squat, 3-3-3-3-3 reps
3. Conditioning: pairs workout; AMRAP in 3 mins for each couplet, one person on (a) and one on (b), swap when (b) is completed, score is the sum of all the reps from part (a):
Couplet 1:
(a) Wall climb
(b) 70/50 kg prowler push, 40 m
Rest, 1 min
Couplet 2
(a) Bootneck star jumps
(b) Row, 200 m
Rest, 1 min
Couplet 3:
(a) Mountain climber
(b) Sled drag, 40 m
Rest, 1 min
Couplet 4:
(a) Burpee
(b) Run, 100 m
3. Recovery
Kate 62.5 kg
Paul 85 kg
Steve 72.5 kg
Chelsea 60 kg
Karlyne 50 kg
Rachel 55 kg
Sally B 55 kg