
Mon 120220 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

Please check out the 'Blog, news and events' section for the latest news and updates.

For those of you who did the session with James Jowsey, it sounds like you all enjoyed it and got a lot out of it. The real changes now come as you do the movements more and more; this is DEFINITELY a case of the more you put in the more you get out. Your movements should really be the priority in your training now, make time for them, even if you have to shorten a WOD, trust me, you'll see more improvements in the long term.

1. Warm up

2. Skill training; ten minutes to establish:
Max height box jump, 1 rep

3. Conditioning; complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
60/40 kg push press, 7 reps
60/40 overhead squat, 10 reps
GHD sit-up, 15 reps

4. Recovery

Part 3 of this workout was posted on the CrossFit mainsite on Sun 05 Feb 2012. Have a look at the comments, videos and scores here and here.

Sat 120218 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

Please check out the 'Blog, news and events' section for the latest news and updates.

1. Warm up

2. Skill practise; ten minutes, your choice of what to work on from:
(a) Kipping swing
(b) Kipping pull up
(c) Butterfly pull up

3. Conditioning; "Rahoi"; complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
25/21" box jump, 12 reps
42.5/30 kg thruster, 6 reps
Bar facing burpee, 6 reps

4. Recovery

Part 3 of this workout was posted on the CrossFit mainsite on Sat 04 Feb 2012. Have a look at the comments, videos and scores here and here.

Fri 120217 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

Please check out the 'Blog, news and events' section for the latest news and updates.

1. Warm up

2. Skill practise; ten minutes, your choice of what to work on from:
(a) Wall walk
(b) Handstand hold
(c) Handstand push up (negative)
(d) Handstand push up (strict and kipping)

3. Conditioning; three rounds for time of:
125/85 kg deadlift, 10 reps
Double under, 50 reps

4. Recovery

 Part 3 of this workout was posted on the CrossFit mainsite on Fri 03 Feb 2012. Have a look at the comments, videos and scores here and here.

Thu 120216 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

Please check out the 'Blog, news and events' section for the latest news and updates.

1. Warm up

2. "The London Throwdown Workout 1"; 15 minute running clock; five stations, three minutes at each:
(a) 2 min 30 sec to find a max ground to overhead
(30 s transition)
(b) Row, for max distance
(c) As many rounds as possible of:
2 x 16/12 kg kettlebell shoulder to overhead, 7 reps
25/21" box jump, 7 reps
(d) As many rounds as possible of:
25/20 kg sandbag bear complex: power clean, front squat, press to over head, lower to shoulders, back squat press to over head and back to the floor
(e) Toes through rings + ten air squats every time you drop off the rings (score is total number of toes through rings)

You've all got Rachael to thank for this one.

3. Recovery


Wed 120215 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

Please check out the 'Blog, news and events' section for the latest news and updates.

1. Warm up

2. Conditioning; for time:
Handstand push up, 30 reps
Pull up, 40 reps
24/16 kg kettlebell swings, 50 reps
Sit up, 60 reps
Burpee, 70 reps

3. Recovery

Part 2 of this workout was posted on the CrossFit mainsite on Wed 01 Feb 2012. Have a look at the comments, videos and scores here and here.